The Principle of Individual Differences: There Are No Cookie Cutter Workouts

In all my ISSA personal trainer studies, the most important concept I can think of is the Principle of Individual Differences. This principle is a simple acknowledgment that we all have different genetic blueprints. Unless each person involved in training understands this idea, there will be no success. The trainer and the trainee must both recognize that there are physical limitations. No matter how hard I train, I will never be seven feet tall.

In our society, it is almost a “religion” to say everyone is equal. While true under the law, it is not true in terms of fitness. I can shoot hoops all day and I am still not LeBron James. I am me and my goal is to be the best me I can be.  I am fortunate that I have natural strength. Lifting has never been an issue for me. However, I am not much of a long-distance runner. So, that is something I have had to work on when I needed to advance that skill.

Often, it is hard for people to say they have a weakness or a limitation. But the only way a person can improve is to make an honest assessment of themselves. That is why a one-size-fits-all workout makes as much sense as a one-size-fits-all wardrobe. You would never go to the store and say, “I like that outfit. Let me buy it without trying it on because I am sure one size fits all.” Unfortunately, that is what a lot of people do when choosing a fitness program and that is why a lot of fitness programs fail.   

I had an opportunity, once, to be working out in a crowded gym and I saw a new trainer working with a client. It was obvious his client was also new and uncomfortable in a gym setting. The trainer had his client perform a number of exercises and balancing maneuvers in the middle of the gym. His client was not ready for this stress and her embarrassment showed. I never saw her at the gym again and it was not too long after that I never saw the trainer there either.

We all have physical limitations. Sometimes it is genetics and sometimes it is an injury. Sometimes it is just a lack of experience at performing the exercise. Whatever the situation, a one-size-fits-all workout should not kill someone’s motivation. 

As we progress over the days and months and years, 40 Plus and Fit will meet their clients where there are at physically.  From a beginner to a seasoned athlete, we will accommodate our client’s needs. There will be NO Cookie Cutter workouts.

So, let’s get together and choose a workout together that works for you. Take your time to look over the website and check out our videos on our YouTube page. My website is committed to individual growth. We are dedicated to Mind, Body, and Spirit. Let’s work together to make you the best you that you can be!